How to Make an Inexpensive Industrial Double Curtain Rod

Hey guys! Isn’t that title a mouth full. Phew…! {I’ll get there in a moment.}

Since my Simple Farmhouse Window Treatment post has been my most popular post to date, I figured I’d share another one of my favorite window treatments in my home. 

So, I managed to make this inexpensive industrial double curtain rods for less than $26! No, really…. I’m not kidding


beautiful blue and white stripped nautical curtains hanging on industrial curtain rods made from pipe fittings
close up of industrial curtain rod

Now, the first room you walk into in my home is my industrial/nautical inspired room. I love the idea of having an industrial feel in this space. The hard part was finding just the right window treatments to coordinate with the feel of this space. I wanted an inexpensive option for my window treatments. Now, we know my solution is always to DIY for less! I decided to make these bold striped curtains for the front room. However, I wanted a nice industrial double curtain rod to hang them. First, I decided I was going to just buy some. I searched high and low for something inexpensive, no luck. Finally, I caved and started looking into DIYing my own. 

I’ll let you guys in on a little secret. Just between us. 

The big secret on how I made these so cheap…. Yup, that’s literally my favorite site when it comes to anything project tool related. The prices are half the big box stores!

Follow along and see how I came up with these inexpensive industrial double curtain rods.

What You'll Need


  • (2) 3/4″ Galvanized Flange
  • (2) 3/4″ Galvanized Tee
  • (2) 3/4″ Threaded Nipple – 2″ (I don’t make these names up folks!)
  • (2) 1/2″ One Hole Clamp
  •  (2) 1/2″ Galvanized Cap
  • (2) 3/4″-1″ metal screws
  • (1) 3/4″ Conduit – about 10 ft.
  •  (1) 1/2″ Conduit – about 10 ft.


  •  Stud Finder
  • Impact Driver/Cordless Drill
  • Metal Drill Bits (these are my favorite)
  • Level
  • Wall anchors {see below}

{Note: this post contains affiliate links. This means that I will make a small commission – at no additional cost to you – if you make a purchase using my links.}

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FYI: The total cost, adding in tax and $5 shipping, these double curtain rods cost me $25.37!

How to Assemble

Ok, who doesn’t like the natural galvanized look to these pipe fittings? For my fittings I chose not spray paint them. However, if you’re going to spray paint them, make sure you order the black malleable galvanized metal. Save yourself some money! They’re the same pieces but much cheaper.

Once I received my fixtures, I washed them all with a little soap and water. The come with a little greasy film on them but it washes off rather nicely.

Once they were dry, I started mounting the flanges to the wall. Making sure at least one hole was screwed directly into a stud, I then used hollow wall anchors to secure the others. My curtains are heavy so I really needed all the support. I recommend using your stud finder and see what your options are before you start drilling holes everywhere.

After the flanges were mounted on the wall, I screwed the nipple and then the tee to the mount. Once the fixtures are all assembled, I cut down some 3/4″ conduit and used it as the main curtain rod.

For the second rod, I used one hole clamps to hold 1/2″ conduit. Using a metal drill bit, I drilled small holes into the bracket and used machine screws to attach the clamp. 

Once the clamps were in place, I cut down the 1/2″ conduit to the desired size. I wanted a little more decorative end to the second rod, so I cut the conduit with a little overhang and capped it with a 1/2″ end cap. 

I can’t tell you how many compliments I get on these curtains. Overall, the really make a statement in the room. I’m so happy these came out as well as they did.

Alright ya’ll, I really hope you try these out in your own home. If you do, make sure #marialouisdesign me and I’ll show some of your creations at the bottom of this post!






how to make industrial curtain rod


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