Meet Maria
Hello! First off, I’m really appreciative that you took a moment out of your busy life to take a look around. Welcome to my little piece of the world wide web.
Let me introduce myself, I am Maria. I’m an avid equestrian and a mother to 4 of the most perfect fur babies; Bravo, Ridley, Duncan and Tanner. Listed in no order of favorites, I promise.
In 2014, I purchased my first home. I quickly became a self proclaimed DIYer although I knew nothing about power tools and home repair. There have been many, many, many hours of research, trial and error, and frustration. I’ve spent the last few years painting, spackling, installing, repairing, building, and refinishing. I have learned a lot of what to do, and a little of what not to do too!

I started this blog, with the encouragement of a few friends insisting I needed to share my love of design, creativity and innovation. I had learned so much from the bloggers that came before me, I want to share my experiences, sparing some frustrations and expensive mistakes. Hopefully, this blog will inspire other homeowners to turn their house into a warm and loving home.
Now, I don’t always spell everything correctly. Sometimes my grammar isn’t the best {sorry mom} and my photos aren’t as professional looking as I’d like. However, bear with me as I learn and grow as a blogger. I’m enjoying the creative process with all its ups and downs! I do promise to bring creative, unique and valuable content, directly to your inboxes!
Thank you for joining me on this journey. Make sure you take a moment to subscribe my newsletter so I can keep you up-to-date with all the recent posts and happening around here.
I sincerely hope you enjoy your visit. Please feel free to send us a message anytime!