How to Make Goat Milk Lotion

Ever since we bought goats, I’ve been wanting to make goat milk lotion! Since having our baby goats on the farm, I finally have been able to milk my girls and start working on the perfect goat milk lotion recipe. After much trial and error, I think I’ve concocted the best homemade goat milk lotion recipe.
It’s creamy, silky, and smooth on the skin. Not too oily or thick, and retains the BEST smells. Honestly, this recipe turned out better than even I hoped!

What Makes Goat Milk Lotion so Good for You?
Goat milk is loaded with essential vitamins (A, B6, B12, C, D, E, and many more) as well as minerals, that makes it an excellent component for skin care.
Goat milk is particularly high in Vitamin A , which helps with anti-aging by repairing damaged tissue. It also contains alpha-hydroxy acids, such as lactic acid, that helps exfoliates dead skin cells, leaving healthy new cells behind.
Additionally, goat milk is a good source of selenium. Scientists believe selenium plays an important role in preventing skin cancer. Selenium is also known to help prevent damage to the skin from excessive sun exposure.

Along with all the beautiful benefits of goat milk lotion, I really enjoy the feeling of it on the skin. This goats milk recipe is creamy enough to hydrate dry or damaged skin, but not too oily you’ll be leaving stains everywhere.
With all that said, lets help you make the perfect homemade goats milk lotion recipe.
How to Make Goat Milk Lotion
The Prep
Since goat milk lotion is known for easily spoiling due to its high water concentration, it is super important to remove any possible contaminants. Bacteria can be introduced on your utensils and hands.

Using a bleach wash solution to sanitize seemed harsh when creating a skin care product.
For this reason, I highly recommend using Star San. One of my goat “groups” on Facebook recommended using this to sterilize all your soap/lotion making utensils and surfaces, and it really is a game changer!
Start with the Base
The foundation of this lotion is distilled water and of course, goat milk.
Measure out equal parts goats milk and distilled water. I always strain my goat milk prior to use, and I do use raw goat milk for my recipe. You can use pasteurized milk for your recipe as well, which will also make it less likely to turn.
Yes, it must be distilled. Distilled water is a great solvent for cosmetic products. A strong solvent helps effectively dissolve all the key ingredients making for a more uniform application.

Slowly, heat the water and milk to 165 degrees. This helps kill off any bacteria that may cause your lotion to spoil. Be careful not to heat too quickly, otherwise you can scorch the milk, removing beneficial vitamins and minerals.
Next Add the Oils
Once your base is heated begin to add the shea butter, sweet almond and avocado oils.
I pre-melt the shea butter in the microwave before including it in the mixture. This helps with blending, giving you a smoother product.

Due to the high concentration of vitamin E, almond oil is know to decrease inflammation, decrease UV damage and to hydrate the skin. While on the other hand, avocado oil is rich in vitamin A, D and is known to help collagen production and improve skins elasticity.
Now here’s where you can make some personal changes if desired. Common oils used in skin care are almond, avocado, jajoba, shea, coconut, and rosehip oil. Each has their own benefits but will also change the consistency of your recipe, so keep that in mind.
Combine the Thickener/Stabilizer
Stearic Acid is used as a preservative and as an emulsifier in skin care products.
Not only dose stearic acid help soften your skin, it also helps create a barrier on your skin to keep harmful irritants out.
Emulsifying wax is used to help bind the oil and water components in most cosmetics, specifically lotions.
This stabilizer will give your goats milk lotion a smooth and silky feeling, without being too greasy.

Add your stearic acid and emulsifying wax to the milk, water and oils.
Once combined, blend for 2-5 minutes using a handheld immersion blender.
Due to the heat, your mixture will be runny initially. Don’t panic. As it cools it will thicken up.
Remember to use a Preservative
Goat milk lotion contains a large quantity of water, which can help breed bacteria and mold. Even though preservatives help prevent bacteria and mold growth, it cannot kill existing bacteria.
I recommend using Optiphen Plus as it is paraben-free, formaldehyde-free broad spectrum preservative that is perfect for skin care products.
Around 113-140 degrees, add your preservative.
Use a thermometer to make sure you’re adding your preservative at the right temperature, otherwise it will make the preservative less effective at preventing bacterial growth.
Blend for another 1-2 minutes.
Lastly, Your Fragrance/Essential Oils
Finally, you need to add a yummy smell to your lotion. Whether choosing essential oils or a fragrance, this should be your last step.
Make sure you mix throughly for a solid minute, to evenly disperse the oil.

I choose to use Nature’s Garden fragrances (I am not affiliated, just really believe in this company) because they throw some amazing aromatic deliciousness!
I’m currently obsessing over their Blood Orange Margarita!
Choosing the fragrance is the HARDEST part! They all smell so wonderful.
Homemade Goat Milk Lotion
Make your own perfectly creamy and silky smooth goat milk lotion with this homemade recipe.
- 10.5 oz Raw Goat Milk
- 10.5 oz Distilled Water
- 1.2 oz Shea Butter
- 1.8 oz Avocado Oil
- 0.9 oz Almond Oil
- 1.2 oz Emulsifying wax
- 1 oz Stearic Acid
- 0.4 Opthiphen Preservative
- 0.2 Fragrance Oil
- Before you start sanitize every surface, utensil, pot, pan, etc…
- Wash your hands, probably twice!
- Using a scale, measure out ingredients.
- Combine 10.5 oz of distilled water and 10.5 oz of raw goats milk in a medium sauce pan.
- Slowly heat to 165 degrees. Constantly stir. Then remove from heat.
- Next, add 1.2 oz of shea butter, 1.8 oz avocado oil, and 0.9 almond oil.
- Add stearic acid and emulsifying wax to mixture and blend using a immersion blender for 2-5 minutes.
- Allow mixture to cool to 113-140 degrees, and then add optiphen and your fragrance oil. Blend for another 1-2 minutes.
- Pour mixture into your containers using a piping bag or funnel.
- Let fully cool for 12-24 hours before adding lids/caps.
** Adding lids/caps too early may lead to condensation on the surface of your lotion, which then helps it spoil faster! **

Well there you have it, my perfect goat milk lotion recipe.
Not too oily or greasy, and just the right combination to make your skin silky smooth!
I hope you enjoy it as much as we do. The benefits of goat milk lotion are immense, and I cannot express how much fun it is trying out all the different fragrances. Happy creating friend.
Till next time,


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Thanks for visiting my little piece of the internet!
I’m Maria, a lover of furry things, coffee and anything creative. This blog is where I love to share affordable home decor ideas, great DIYs, yummy recipes, unique crafts and so much more.
15 thoughts on “How to Make Goat Milk Lotion”
Hi Maria, Are you weighing everything on the scale except for the goats milk and water? (I figured they are fluid ounces.) please let me know. I’m excited to try making lotion. I live very close to a goat farm and have been making goats milk soap for a while. Thank you!
Yes, fluid ounces is the measurement I use for this recipe! I measure everything to be honest. Water and Milk included. I adore this lotion and I hope you do too! So glad you have a fresh source of milk too.
This recipe looks wonderful! We are excited to try it. One question though. Have you used thawed goats milk that had been frozen? We have a good amount of frozen milk that we were planning to use to make soap (and we will use some for that!) but would like to try to use some to make this lotion recipe.
I am concerned though that the texture/consistency might have changed due to the change in temp/form.
Please let me know your thoughts.
Thanks in advance!
YES! We milk out our goats so we’re not trying to milk in the winter! We use frozen milk all the time with great success. We just throw it on the stove on low and melt it to recombine the butterfat that tends to go to the top.
I haven’t noticed a consistency change at all from fresh to frozen. We do strain it before we add to the recipe (debris and “lumps” that may remain) so this may eliminate any texture issues.
I hope that helps!
Maria, I made this lotion and I just love it! However, I placed it into a pump bottle and it’s too thick to come up thru the pump. Any suggestions on how to thin it down just enough? Evelyn
Oh I’m so glad you like it!! I use mine in a pump but I will say it will get thick if it’s in a cool location. I would add a little more oils to it next time (pick your favorite – I usually go for more shea personally) or recombine and add a touch more. See if that helps thin it out some.
Hi Maria, thanks for posting this recipe. I have been making goat milk lotion for a few years but I am not happy with the recipe. Your recipe is similar but the preservative is different and I am excited to try it. My issue with my current recipe is that after about 6 months it smells funky, no longer fabulous. So, thank you again.
Question: I love the containers you are using. Where can I find them? I have been using a bottle with a pump but I love the squeeze container you have shown.
Oh gosh! That’s a total bummer. All that hard work to just have it go funky! Blah!! Well, I will attest that this recipe was given to me (and then altered to my moisture level desire) buy some wonderful sellers of goat soap/lotions. They retail this recipe so it’s proven to have great shelf life!
I order my tottle bottles and pump bottles from Midwest Bottle out of KY. They have wonderful, cost effective options for any type of container you need. Not affiliated but love supporting smaller businesses.
Hope you’re pleased with this recipe as I am.
Happy creating!
Hi Maria,
I made this recipe and copied it exactly the way that you have it. However after letting it sit below 100° it’s still hasn’t hardened up. Do I wait until it starts to thicken before I pour it into my containers. Thank you so much
So I pour mine into the bottles and let sit overnight When they get to room temperature and cooled down, they will thicken up nicely!
Hopefully this finds you already finding this as true! Please let me know if I can help you anymore.
Thank you for this wonderful recipe. I Made some today and it’s great! I do have a question. I thought I had ordered Opthiphen but can’t find it so I guess I didn’t. I did add the steric acid which shows it is a preservative as well. Will this serve the purpose to keep the lotion from having to be stored in the fridge? Thank you again for sharing your recipe.
Hi Maria! This sounds like an awesome recipe. I would love to make it and I have a few questions first:) Can I use goat milk powder in place of raw goat milk? If so, would I use the same amount or less goat milk powder? I would love to hear back from you. Thanks so much and God Bless!
I wish I knew the answer to that! I have heard of people using powdered goats milk, but I’m not sure if it would effect the consistency. I would really utilize the Facebook groups for Goat Milk Soaps and Lotions. Those ladies and gentleman often have experience with supplementation. This will save you time and product!
Wish I could help more.
do you have to keep this lotion in the refrigerator?
No! The preservative keeps it from needed anything else to prevent it going rancid! I’ve had mine for over 6 months and it’s going strong!
Hope that helps.