Front Door Makeover: Got The Blues?

I hope everyone had a fabulous 4th of July! All that red, white, and blue had me thinking… How awesome would a painted front door look?! 

I’ve dabbled with interior door painting in the past. My pantry door is a beautiful Provence (teal) Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. It makes a beautiful statement in my kitchen. Since I had the 4th of July off from work, I figured “why not grab some left over chalk paint and make a statement out of the front door?” 

Easy, quick, and… DRAMATIC! {No, no, not this photo…}


Front Door

Trying out my new flash, Ridley insisted I practice on him. {Look Ma, no shadows!}

In my cabinet of goodies, I had some Napoleonic Annie Sloan paint. It is my favorite color of blue! Deep, rich, and royal. It just had to happen. Three thin coats later and a layer of clear wax, my front entry has a totally different vibe! 

Farmhouse Entryway

Look, my house plants are thriving! Who knew I have a green thumb? With the front door having a colorful facelift I added some low light plants to make the space more diverse.

Green Plant

It’s so rich! It makes a bold statement.

Green Plant
Chalk Paint front Door

It took me a few hours and gave me a great arm workout. However, I’m so happy with the end result. It really transformed the space and made it a unique spot in my home. {Yes, I have a horse bridle hanging on my coat rack. It’s Bravo’s old gag, and my favorite schooling bridle. It’ll live there forever…}

I hope this inspires you to pick up a paint brush and facelift your front door! Unlock your potential!


Chalk Paint front Door


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